in this issue January/February 2001, Vol. 5 No. 1
- Features
- People Profile
- Agency Profile
- Opportunities
- Resource Reviews
- News and Needs
- Web Site Review
A Paratrooper Testifies to God's Leading In His Life
by Roger DixonThe other day I looked out of my window and saw the jumpers descending over the Hussein Airport in Bandung, Indonesia. What an amazing sight for someone used to jumping in the 50s. The new ramp air chutes kept floating in the air forever. One person hung over the field as though his chute had caught on a giant skyhook.
I remembered a jump in 1958 over Gablingen Kaserne near Augsburg Germany when the wind was high and some jumpers drifted for five minutes across the nearby town. In those days, we had almost no control over the chute's direction or rate of descent. In addition to that, our drop zone was the smallest of any the older sergeants could remember jumping.
Gablingen was the home of the 1st Airborne Battle Group, 187th Inf., 11th Airborne Division. Some of us loved jumping that little DZ. Others found it a nightmare. If you hit the blast too early, you might drift over the town nearby. If you were out too late, electrical wires posed a threat at the other end of the DZ. When the line of jumpers started out the door, it was one blur as we all tried to exit as quickly as possible.
God had spoken to me about becoming a foreign missionary before I went into the army. My experience in Germany was my first time outside of the U.S. Also, learning to speak a little German gave me confidence I could learn a foreign language. Since adjusting to a different way of life and speaking a language other than one's own are important aspects of being effective overseas, that experience in Germany was one God used to strengthen my call to cross cultural ministry. I wasn't there for missionary preparation, but God used it to prepare me for 34 years of service in S.E. Asia, most of which was in Indonesia.
The heart of God is for the peoples of the earth; "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. . . ." The Lord Jesus came that people, "may have life and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). For any of us who are open to learn what is in God's heart and prepared to answer his call to serve him, our military experience is a school where the Holy Spirit can train us to reach the nations with the gospel of eternal salvation. Look for the path he sets before you.
Japanese Have Spiritual Roots
People Profile
Situation Summary
Francis Xavier brought Christianity to Japan in 1549. Today less than one percent of Japan's population follows Jesus Christ, but that is still nearly one million people.
Over 150 different mission agencies are working in Japan. Nevertheless, many cities and villages in Japan still have no Christian witness, and growth of existing churches is painfully slow.![]()
Shintoism, which is founded on establishing relationships with the spirits of both nature and one's ancestors, is the native religion of Japan. Buddhism, which can be assimilated into Shintoism, began growing in Japan in the sixth century. While most Japanese identify themselves as either Buddhist, Shinto, or both, at least eighty percent of Japanese are not practicing any religion.
Although secularism has swept Japan, many are hungry for a spiritual experience. An average of 100 new cults shooting off of Buddhism and Shintoism are founded every year. The largest of these, Sokka Gakai, has over 17 million adherents.
Japan's national population approaching 122 million is one of the most homogenous in the world. Minorities are fewer than one percent. These include the Ainu (an all but extinct aboriginal people), immigrant foreigners (Koreans, Chinese, Americans, Filipinos, Pakistanis, and Malays), and the seven indigenous people groups of the Ryukyu Islands, each with its own disappearing culture and no Scriptures in their respective disappearing native languages.
Alternately subjugated by Chinese and Japanese invaders, Ryukyuan peoples adopted a stance of tolerance and passivity. Considered to be backward by the Japanese, the principally Buddhist Ryukyuan peoples are steeped in superstition. They often believe in many unseen natural and ancestral spirits which must be appeased but can also be manipulated. Spirits of the ancestors who are buried in elaborate tombs are venerated by the community, and the spirit powers of nature are worshipped in households. These powers are frequently consulted before major personal and household decisions.
Resource and Contact Information Resource / Organization Phone Number Web Site JESUS video in Japanese 1-800-432-1977 www.jesusfilm.org Japanese Scripture Audio Tapes 1-760-745-8105 www.gospelcom.net/asi Gospel Radio Broadcasting in Japanese 1-719-548-7490 www.wb2000.org Japanese Language Scriptures From:
International Bible Society
American Bible Society
Scripture Gift Mission
Japanese Language Christian Literature 1-717-738-0582 www.multilanguage.com List of Mission Agencies Working in Japan - www.missionjapan.org/mission/e_missionorgjapan.html Search for Churches in Japan - www.missionjapan.org/church/e_index.html Connect Japanese returning from abroad
with Christians in their home country- www.jema.org/RCNJ.html Japan Evangelical Missionary Association - www.jema.org
Educational Services International Integrates Cross-Cultural Ministry with Teaching Professions
agency profile
In 1981, Educational Services International (ESI) sprang from a desire to serve developing countries based on Christian humanitarian principles through education for bridging diverse cultures.
ESI trains and sends teachers of English, Business and Law to high schools and universities in China, Russia, Muslim Central Asia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. By equipping people and designing programs to meet real social, economic and educational needs, ESI provides an effective and credible model of Christian service. Having sent over one thousand teachers to its over 100 training centers located throughout Eastern Europe and Asia, ESI has become the strategic bridge between cultures that its founders envisioned.
Teaching overseas is a wonderful opportunity to build friendships, provide a needed service, and live out one's faith in a dynamic way. Serving cross-culturally is also stressful. Regional directors in the home office know each ESI teacher by name and lift up their needs in daily prayer. In-country team leaders facilitate communication between teachers and the home office. A network of like-minded teachers provides spiritual and emotional encouragement.
ESI trains candidates in the skills and materials they need to succeed. Because many candidates have no formal teaching experience, ESI specializes in teacher training. Panel discussions with seasoned teachers, cross-cultural seminars, and team-building activities also play an important role in training. As a result of this comprehensive approach, ESI teachers are highly respected wherever they serve.
The home office raises support from foundations, churches and individuals in order to lower the support need for candidates. It negotiates contracts with schools so that many teachers receive housing and a local salary. While this doesn't translate into very many US dollars, it does significantly reduce the amount of support needed to serve overseas.
The need for English teachers is growing dramatically worldwide. As teachers share conversations with students, they build friendships and establish a credible Christian witness.
Students around the world are eager to learn about Western business models. By sharing professional experience, business teachers can also share Kingdom values.
ESI provides a business curriculum that includes: marketing, accounting, management, international business, law and cross-cultural negotiations. ESI also provides certified teachers for international and local schools (K-12) in the Mediterranean region.
Educational Services International
444 East Huntington Drive, Suite 200
Arcadia, CA 91006
Intensive Courses in Muslim Studies
Dates Program Name Sponsor Contact Info Location 1-8 June Summer Institute on Islam Arab World Ministry 1-800-447-3566 Philadelphia, PA 30 Jun -30 Jul Summer Training and Outreach Program CHRISTAR 1-800-755-7955 New York City 9-20 Jul
Session IIntroduction to Islam
Folk Islam
Muslim Evangelism
Columbia Int'l University
Institute of Muslim Studies1-800-777-2227 Columbia, SC 23 Jul - 3 Aug
Session IIApologetics for Muslim Ministry
Islam in North America
Revelation, Qur'an and Muslim TraditionsColumbia Int'l University
Institute of Muslim Studies1-800-777-2227 Columbia, SC 9-13 Jul
16-20 Jul
23-27 Jul
30 Jul - 3 Aug
Introduction to Islam
Muslim Evangelism
Church Planting in Muslim Cities
Apologetics, Mus/Chr Theological Issues
Ministry to Muslim Women
A Christian Use of the Qur'an
Folk Islam
Music and Art in Muslim History
Ministry to Muslims
Summer Institute of Muslim Studies
(SIMS)1-719-597-0609 Boulder, CO 12-15 Jun
18-29 Jun
2-6 Jul
9-13 JulMuslim Evangelism
Women in Islam
Islam in North America
Church Planting in Muslim ContextFuller Theological Seminary
School of World Mission1-800-235-2222 Pasadena, CA 21 May - 1 Jun
4-8 Jun
11-15 JunA Christian Inquiry into Islamic Faith
Islamic History and the Islamic Movement
Approaches to IslamSoutwestern Baptist Th. Seminary 1-817-923-1921 Fort Worth, TX 27 Feb
03 Mar
17 MarMiddle East Evangelism Training
(MEET) one day seminarsArab International Ministry 1-888-446-5457 Tallahasse, FL
Atlanta, GA
Phoenix, AZTBA this Summer Sahara Challenge
(8 wk course, 2 wk trip)Arab International Ministry 1-888-446-5457 Indianapolis, IN
ACCTS (US) and ACCTS (UK) Need Your Accent to Teach English in the Ukraine
Take a vacation with a purpose teaching English in the Ukraine. In the early 1990s, after the breakup of the Soviet Union, Christian organizations were able to work through the Co-mission Project in several Eastern and Central European countries to teach English to their young people using the Bible as their textbook. A similar opportunity has become available for the summer of 2001, and the Association of Christian Conferences Training and Services (ACCTS) expects to be part of it.
ACCTS serves as the coordinating agency for the Association of Military Christian Fellowships (AMCF) which unites the Military Christian Fellowships (MCFs) of over sixty countries.
This year, ACCTS US and ACCTS UK (located in England) hope to provide volunteers to share the Gospel as they teach English. Their help has been specifically requested by the national Military Christian Fellowship in the Ukraine.
The English teaching camp to be held in Ukraine in July will be particularly valuable for building relationships, learning about other cultures and maturing in one's faith.
The most important skill needed to teach at this camp, is simply a willingness to go. Preliminary training and all administrative support and transportation will be arranged by ACCTS. Volunteers should be willing to pay or raise all their own costs.
Last year, in July 2000, many Eastern European military families went to a camp in South Ukraine to learn English. They also learned Christian truths and values since the Bible and its stories about Jesus were the text book medium. The teachers established good relationships with their students, and several accepted Jesus as Savior.
The Ukrainians have asked for help from native English speaking Christians to hold another camp this July. The term camp, however, is a bit misleading because furnished buildings are used for teaching, eating, and sleeping.
This year's English Camp will be held near Kiev from12 July to 24 July. Allowing for transportation, a full two week time commitment will be required. Exact travel dates will be dictated by the availability of airline seats.
Cost for air fare, teaching materials, food and lodging, local transportation, a cultural tour, and visa will be $2000. A training session here in the United States prior to departure will be extra.
Point of Contact
Dell McDonald
P.O. Box 27230
Denver, CO 80227
e-mail: dmcdona1@cs.comMake Me Your Voice is a worship CD designed to help the black tribes that are suffering in Sudan. It results from the hard work and inspiration of Ken Tamplin and his partnership with musicians at some of the largest churches in America.
Praise and Worship CD Benefits Aid to Southern Sudan
resource reviewSingers on this CD include:
- Andre Crouch
- Charlie Peacock
- Rick Muchow (Saddleback Chc)
- Matt Shepardson (Willow Creek)
- Ken Tamplin (Calvary Chapel)
- Habib Bardowell (Shoreline Cmty)
- Clint Brown (Faith Wld Outreach)
- Kyle McCarthy (Chc on the Rock)
- Bobette Jamison
- Stacey Robbins
- Earl Buffington
- Jackie Gouche Farris
All of the artists participating in creating the CD are donating 100% of the royalties to three organizations that are working in the Sudan: Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Samaritan's Purse, and Safe Harbor.
According to these agencies, more lives have been lost to atrocities in Sudan than in Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo, Somalia, Chechnya, and Afghanistan combined.
Tamplin was moved to spearhead the effort after a benefit dinner at his home church in Costa Mesa California.
Prepared just to make a donation and then go home, Tamplin was moved to tears when he heard the story of a man whose two daughters were captured for prostitution and slavery.
"It was at that point, thinking about my little angel, Madison, safely at home, that I wept bitterly and asked the Lord, 'What can I do?'"
The CD is available now on Spring Hill Records at local Christian bookstores
or you may order a copy by calling toll free:
1-877-823-7326Churches or other organizations that would like to show the video to their group can obtain a free copy from:
For more info visit the web site at:
JESUS Film Passes Milestones
resource reviewViewership of the JESUS film increased one billion in the past year, and nearly fifteen million of those indicated a positive response to the film's invitation to follow Jesus.
Eighty-five new translations of the film shipped out to new areas passed the milestone of 600 languages.
Partnerships continue to play an increasingly important role with 368 additional church and mission agencies joining in the distribution and showing effort.
Eighty-two new translations of the dramatized audio version were completed and work has begun on producing dramatized audio of the children's version of the JESUS film.
Audio and video versions of the story of Jesus are available for nearly every language spoken in the areas to which servicemen and women are deployed.
Holistic Work is a Wise Investment Strategy in Northern Iraq
news and needs
reprinted from Partners International, Winter 2001 NewsletterWhen her neighbors began throwing rocks at their home and church in the Kurdish area of northern Iraq, Alia drew her three frightened children around her in the living room. She had only moments to answer her husband's question, "Where shall we run?" They both knew the answer: the only place to run was toward their vision to reach the people God called them to . . .even if it meant more trouble.
As Alia and her husband Yousif fled, mobs came looking for them with machine guns in hand. The family escaped and the Muslims expected Yousif to take revenge.
Instead, this partner ministry, the National Protestant Evangelical Church, refurbished the church that the war had damaged and turned it into a medical and dental clinic, which was greatly needed in the community. Then the ministry team went knocking on doors telling people, "We now have a dental clinic and you can bring your children." Forgiveness rather than revenge surprised the Muslims.
Resource review "That decision to stay with the people God called us to serve cost us dearly: our home, our furniture, our contact with family. . ." Alia said, "but it has given us the greatest, purest joy! We now have opportunities to see people come to Christ we never dreamed we'd have."
Bob Savage, Operations Director of international Ministries at Partners, said, "Holistic work such as this medical clinic builds credibility with the government and with the local Kurdish people. These acts of kindness help break down barriers and can change how the whole society views Christians."
The ministry has recently come out of hiding because, as Yousif shared:
The government knows everything, so why try to hide it? For example, we considered how we were going to keep our printing press from getting bombed. We made an arrangement with the government for them to use our press half-time; the rest of the time, we print our Bibles! The government naturally doesn't want the press that's printing their material to be bombed.Yousif obtained approval from the Kurdistan government to operate several Christian-based schools for children. The government is eager for these schools to begin, and even donated the land for the first three, since public education has been dismal following the Gulf War. Not only were structures destroyed, but educators fled the country. School-children must attend classes in shifts and share the few books that are available. Partners is raising funds to help build and equip these schools.
Already several high-level government officials have requested that places be reserved for their children. Because the people in power appreciate the quality education their children will receive, they will do all they can to protect the work of this evangelical group. Once these schools are built and sessions begin, this ministry will extend loving outreach to 1,500 children . . . and a lot of their families.
Before 1991, there were no known Kurdish believers. Today, hundreds of people meet regularly in churches or meeting places in several cities, the first evangelical churches in this region in 1,000 years. There is little doubt that the positive response to the Gospel is due to the way the ministry cares for the practical needs of the Kurdish people.
Download a Different Free Map Every Week
web site review
Global Mapping International is offering different maps every week for downloading from their web site. Normally GMI charges reasonably for their cartographic products, but these maps are absolutely free. Visit every week and you can collect a whole portfolio of useful graphic resources!
The maps are compressed using readily available PKZip software for rapid downloading and are available in Adobe Acrobat or Windows metafile format.
Some of the maps used by Operation Reveille in presentations and in this newsletter are reworked metafiles downloaded from the GMI web site.
Don't miss their "Spread of Islam Map" available the week of 5 March and their "Ratio of Population per Missionary" map available the week of 19 March. The map to the left, showing by country percentages of children under fifteen years old, was downloaded on 12 February.
The Reveille Shofar
Volume 5, Number 1 - January/February 2001